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Works of Mercy

 “To give food to the hungry; drink to the thirsty; to welcome strangers; to clothe the naked; to care for the sick; and to visit the prisoners”​

Our adult and youth Works of Mercy teams support both our parishioners as well as our local community.

Our individual parishioners do amazing works of mercy in their personal capacities, over and above those activities coordinated by our Works of Mercy teams.

Some of our WOM Team main activities include:

  • Feeding the elderly – food parcels are prepared and delivered to specific/known elderly people in our area, on a monthly basis. Recipient names and addresses are kept confidential.

  • Feeding the hungry – monthly financial support to selected non-profit food distributors.

  • Supporting the poorest – clothing and blankets.

  • Supporting the mentally challenged and infirm – specific functions such as teas, parties, etc.

  • Visiting the sick.

  • Prison ministry.

  • Basic medical assessments for parishioners after Sunday worship.

If you would like to get involved in our Works of Mercy you can contact:

Youth WOM Coordinator:  Kirstin Oosthuizen  -  073 130 6622

Adult WOM Coordinator:  Paddy Holgate  -  083 292 2470

“Jesus did not teach that good deeds form the basis of our salvation. The Bible shows clearly that eternal life results from what God does, not what we do. (Titus 3:4-5). We are saved by God’s grace, not by our works. Still, God intends that those who receive His grace will also do good works (Ephesians 2:8-10).

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